Thoughts on Assignments

This course's emphasis on reading, writing, and time management is clear to see in an overview of the weekly assignments and extra credit. I hope that I can improve and diversify my writing style during this semester. I also want to increase my self-accountability; being able to personalize a schedule for myself due to the flexibility of this class is definitely helpful in that regard. 

All the assignments seem engaging and relevant to the goals of this class. In particular, I look forward to reading everyone's storytelling assignments and working on my own. I have never dabbled in creative writing before so this will be a fun challenge for me to explore. Given the fact that I enjoy reading myths and folktales, I can see myself doing the extra reading assignment often. I also hope to learn more ideas about features I can access while blogging by reading my classmates' technology tips.

(Reading a book; source: Public Domain Pictures)


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