Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Interacting with other people's work and having others interact with mine is a refreshing aspect of this class. I've been receiving a lot of great feedback on my work. I thoroughly appreciate every single comment complimenting my work, but the ones that offer suggestions or highlight confusing parts of my writing help me the most in the long run. I feel that I have gotten a chance to leave some (hopefully) helpful and thoughtful feedback on my classmates' writing so far this semester. Reading other people's work and seeing how they incorporated modifications to the original storyline has inspired me to include similar changes in my writing. This brings me closer to the fundamental goal of this class: to create stories from stories. I'm not sure I've formed a close connection with anyone in this class yet by commenting on their introduction or story posts. This might change if there was, for example, an extra credit assignment where you could reply to comments on your posts. This way, students would be more inclined to start a back and forth conversation with each other. I believe the WWW and TAG strategies have helped me structure my constructive criticism in a great way so I will continue to use them in the future.

I chose the image below because in any feedback that you receive, be it this class or otherwise, it is important to recognize patterns so that you can fix an overarching problem. This is especially the case if you are soliciting feedback from a lot of people that may have some conflicting opinions.


  1. Hi Akansha! I am revisiting your blog because I found it so great the first time! I chose to read over your week 8 comments and feedback. I agree that interacting with people like we do in this class has been great. I have never had a class where we are encouraged to give constructive feedback. Personally, I feel that this concept should be applied in more classes because I have grown in my capabilities of writing and reading! Thanks for sharing!


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