Reading Notes: King Arthur, Part A

(The lady Vivien and Merlin; source: Wikipedia)


  • After one of his adventures, Sir Pellinore brought a lady of the lake to the court and Merlin fell in love with her instantly.
  • The lady laughed at Merlin in secret, but kept him around to tell her stories and teach her magic. Merlin was aware that she would eventually kill him, but he couldn't help being by her side.
  • Merlin warned Arthur what would befall him and told him to keep his sword Excalibur and its scabbard close by his side.
  • Arthur pointed out to Merlin that since he knew what was going to happen, he could avoid it. Merlin said this would not be so and followed the lady, Vivien, around where ever she went.
  • When the lady grew tired of his presence, she tried to be rid of him in every way possible to no avail.
  • One day, Merlin pointed out a rock with great wonders hidden underneath. Vivien begged Merlin to show her what was underneath. Foolishly, Merlin complied and Vivien, using her powers, buried him alive underneath the rock.
  • Vivien left him and lived happily with her knowledge of magic.


  • Merlin - a fool in love, period
  • Vivien - manipulative, cruel, but to be fair she told Merlin to leave her alone on multiple occasions
  • King Arthur - utterly useless in this story, he just let his friend and advisor go to his death with no qualms
Bibliography. King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1902).


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